- WebDev
- What is CSS?
- What is Javascript?
- What is HTML?
- What is PHP?
- Class
- PHP Email
- OAuth
- Configuration Files
- PHP Strings
- Youtube Templates
- Session - MySQL Handler
- PHP Router
- function keygen()
- Daemon Process
- Symbolic Links
- Date & Time
- Timezone
- File Upload
- What is XML?
- What is HTTP?
- What is SEO?
- What is the Internet?
- What is Java?
- What is RSS?
- What is a vCard?
- What is RFC?
- What is Apache?
CSS Colours
Here is an old base colour scheme of dan.berladyn.online in W3.CSS framework making colour changes simple.
.w3theme-l5 {color:#000 !important; background-color:#f5f5f5 !important}
.w3theme-l4 {color:#000 !important; background-color:#dddddd !important}
.w3theme-l3 {color:#000 !important; background-color:#bbbbbb !important}
.w3theme-l2 {color:#fff !important; background-color:#989898 !important}
.w3theme-l1 {color:#fff !important; background-color:#767676 !important}
.w3theme-d1 {color:#fff !important; background-color:#4c4c4c !important}
.w3theme-d2 {color:#fff !important; background-color:#434343 !important}
.w3theme-d3 {color:#fff !important; background-color:#3b3b3b !important}
.w3theme-d4 {color:#fff !important; background-color:#323232 !important}
.w3theme-d5 {color:#fff !important; background-color:#2a2a2a !important}
.w3theme-light {color:#000 !important; background-color:#f5f5f5 !important}
.w3theme-dark {color:#fff !important; background-color:#2a2a2a !important}
.w3theme-action {color:#fff !important; background-color:#2a2a2a !important}
.w3theme {color:#fff !important; background-color:#555555 !important}
.w3text-theme {color:#555555 !important}
.w3border-theme {border-color:#555555 !important}
.w3hover-theme:hover {color:#fff !important; background-color:#555555 !important}
.w3hover-text-theme:hover {color:#555555 !important}
.w3hover-border-theme:hover {border-color:#555555 !important}